No statement from this website, be it about supplements or anything else has been assessed by the Food and Drug Administration. Not even a single trademark or logo you have come across on this website has been imitated from anywhere. If there was any relevant property, of which the logo was used, then approval for the same was taken. Something to be taken very seriously is that no dietary supplement that has been mentioned on this website can be used for diagnosis or curing any type of disease.
Each of the information that you have seen or read on this website has been posted for the purpose of disseminating information. It would be prudent of you if you do not consider any of this health information as an advice from the health experts. Not even a single person who was related to this website will come to support it, no matter what. No one from this website will be accountable for anything. It is a request from our entire team to you for not taking any information in a wrong manner. Do not try any of the supplements without getting all the authentic information from various other sources. And when it is about fitness issue, do not take any chance and consult a proper expert before trying any supplement that is mentioned on this website.
The Food and Drug Administration has never sanctioned any information that has been used for the ingredients and their functioning. All the research work and relevant information have been mentioned on the basis of the ads made by the product developing company. Therefore, we would encourage you to consult your issue with a reliable doctor and also mention the products mentioned on this website, and based on the approval of the doctor, you can proceed ahead for the product. In case you are already on medicine, then it is mandatory for you. Since there are so many products in the market, so the main motto of the team of this website is to promote the supplements. Therefore, if you want to be on the safer side, make sure you do not get misguided and go for a thorough research with the help of doctors and then only you can consider it.