(Make sure your sound is turned on. Please wait up to 10 seconds for the video to load.)

Order the 6 bottle option for the biggest savings and get a free bottle of Moringa Detox to lose 3lbs on your very first day!

One Month Supply

Sample Option

1 Bottle
one bottle
Sample Option



$69.99 USD
Total: $69.99 SaveSavings: $89.00 USD

6 Months Supply


Biggest Savings

6 Bottle
six bottles



$39.99 USD
Total: $239.94 Savings: $714.00 USD

3 Months Supply

Most Popular

3 Bottle
three bottles
Most Popular



$49.99 USD
Total: $149.97 SaveSavings: $327.00 USD
credit cards

You can secure a package of
Slim Guard for just $39…

And every order of 6 packages includes FREE expedited shipping.

moringaPlus Every 6 package order will also get A FREE Bottle Of Our Best-selling
Detox Formula: Moringa


Moringa Oleifera is often overlooked as a top super-food
because it's found deep in remote continents…

However studies show that Moringa…

Supports healthy Cholesterol & Blood sugar levels, allowing
you to have a good night’s rest WITHOUT the stress.
Boosts your Memory while eliminating Brain Fog, so you can
be FOCUSED and PRESENTduring your day, every day.
Gives Your Digestive System a Detox leaving you feeling
FRESHER than ever, inside and out.

When combined with Slim Guard, it can help jumpstart your weight loss… helping you drop 3lbs the very first day you use it!

vitamin cBut even better…

It has 7 times more vitamin C than oranges
and 15x more potassium than plants…

Which helps activate your fat detoxing cells to melt fat

It’s the perfect addition to the slim nutrients you’ll be
taking every morning for fast results.

If that wasn’t amazing enough…

180 days

We’re also going to 100% GUARANTEE
180 daysyou lose all your weight with
Slim Guard and that it stays off…
Or we’ll refund you every penny…

If you're anything like I was, you’re probably a bit skeptical.

I completely understand.

We’ve all been lied to our entire lives by diet and health professionals who want to sell us the next greatest weight loss diet and exercise plan…

The $100 Billion dollar weight loss industry would go bankrupt if they told you there's a quick, easy, and natural way to burn belly fat and curb hunger.

So to show you how confident Olivia and I believe that this formula will change your life…

And so you have absolutely no risk..

I'm prepared to protect your order with a 100%
180 day money back guarantee that works like this…

If at any point in the
next 6 months after
using Slim Guard you’re unhappy with your results…

I will refund you every cent. No questions asked...

Simply email or call us and I'll personally give you a full refund…

I don’t know anyone else willing to make such a bold promise like that…

Because the truth is, if Slim Guard doesn't work for you, I don’t want to keep your money anyway…

But I’m willing to risk everything, because I know the life changing
transformation that will occur once you experience the weight loss
powers of Slim Guard nutrients…

Does that sound fair?

If so, then…

Order the 6 bottle option for the biggest savings and get a free bottle of Moringa Detox to lose 3lbs on your very first day!

One Month Supply

Sample Option

1 Bottle
one bottle
Sample Option



$69.99 USD
Total: $69.99 SaveSavings: $89.00 USD

6 Months Supply


Biggest Savings

6 Bottle
six bottles



$39.99 USD
Total: $239.94 Savings: $714.00 USD

3 Months Supply

Most Popular

3 Bottle
three bottles
Most Popular



$49.99 USD
Total: $149.97 SaveSavings: $327.00 USD
credit cards

Frequently Asked Questions

Still here?

I know we covered a lot of new information today…

So for the next few moments I’m going to address the most common questions about Slim Guard

To help make the decision to stock up and save on our limited supply very easy…


Who is Slim Guard for?

Slim Guard is for any person who wants to lose weight quickly and safely without strict dieting or extreme exercise.

It doesn’t matter age, shape, body type or how many things...

You’ve tried in the past that haven’t worked.

Slim Guard is a safe and scientifically supported… Using the latest research…

To lose weight, reboot your metabolism, and put an end to rebound weight gain…

While enjoying more of your favorite foods.

The next question I get is…

How does Slim Guard work?

Slim Guard works by activating your fat detoxing cells, to effortlessly flush stubborn fat out of your body.

How do I use Slim Guard?

It’s really easy.

Just add one serving of Slim Guard to any beverage and drink it.

The slim nutrients will help activate your very own fat detoxing cells which helps burn belly fat around the clock.

For that reason I recommend you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Slim Guard today.

This way you can keep a bottle at home, in your purse, your car, at your office desk and anywhere else you think...

Are there any harmful chemicals inside Slim Guard?

Absolutely not. Slim Guard is formulated with five powerful slim nutrients to activate your fat detoxing cells and melt your belly blubber.

It’s a safe and natural formula.

How often should I take Slim Guard?

Take one serving of Slim Guard with any beverage whenever you want!

The slim nutrients will go to work right away to activate your fat detoxing cells and start erasing your belly fat.

Again, for that reason I recommend you stock up on 3 or 6 bottles of Slim Guard today.

This way you can keep a bottle at home, in your purse, your car, at your office desk and anywhere else, so you can burn fat around the clock.

Alright next question -

Is there a money back guarantee with my order of Slim Guard?

Yes there is.

I’ll back your supply with a 185-Day 100% money back guarantee...

Which means I personally promise better weight management, easier weight loss and carb control with every supply of Slim Guard...

And if for any reason that isn’t the experience…

Just email my friendly customer service team and we’ll promptly issue a full refund.

No questions asked. No hassles.

I’ve made this a 185-day guarantee so you can have a full year to try Slim Guard out on us.

How long will it take to receive my order of Slim Guard?

After completing your order…

We’ll ship your Slim Guard so it arrives at your front door, usually within 3-5 business days.

And lastly…

How do I order my supply of Slim Guard again?

It’s easy… Select how many bottles of Slim Guard you’d like…

I recommend the 6 bottle option for the biggest savings. And you get a free bottle of Moringa Detox - which can help you lose 3lbs your very first day!

Then click the “Add to Cart” button.

After that, fill out the secure checkout form on the following page…

And we’ll rush ship your supply of Slim Guard to your front door.

When your bottles arrive a few short days from now…

Take your first serving with a cup of water, and you’ll be amazed by how quickly the pounds and inches melt away…

And how you can eat your favorite foods without worrying about storing fat like before.

So go ahead and place your order now...

And experience that natural power of Slim Guard starting today.

Thank you for reading and I wish you all the best.

Order the 6 bottle option for the biggest savings and get a free bottle of Moringa Detox to lose 3lbs on your very first day!

One Month Supply

Sample Option

1 Bottle
one bottle
Sample Option



$69.99 USD
Total: $69.99 SaveSavings: $89.00 USD

6 Months Supply


Biggest Savings

6 Bottle
six bottles



$39.99 USD
Total: $239.94 Savings: $714.00 USD

3 Months Supply

Most Popular

3 Bottle
three bottles
Most Popular



$49.99 USD
Total: $149.97 SaveSavings: $327.00 USD
credit cards

Scientific References

1. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25516540/
2. https://www.bluezones.com/2018/05/why-is-costa-rica-one-of-the-happiest-healthiest-places-on-earth/
3. https://www.firstforwomen.com/posts/diets/lymph-drainage-diet
4. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/first-for-women/20210628/282329682818946
5. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/first-for-women/20210628/282329682818946
6. https://www.nutraingredients-latam.com/Article/2019/12/17/Zinc-supplements-may-enhance-benefits-of-a-restricted-calorie-diet
7. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2702361/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1667354692192461&usg=AOvVaw1HTtAynGAt6-MQWampbSB8
8. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2869512/ &sa=D&source=docs&ust=1667354692192832&usg=AOvVaw0-s_uCjCQo3lCFU_J7CIp4
10. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23958257/&sa=D&source=docs&ust=1667354692159113&usg=AOvVaw3shi4BmNZKF3qjQMD7E_tb
11. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23372822/
12. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23372822/
13. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25782331/
14. https://www.webmd.com/diet/obesity/features/calcium-weight-loss
15. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/17344487/
16. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22708505/
17. https://www.algaecal.com/calcium/weight-loss/
18. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23689561/
19. https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/ATVBAHA.118.311149
20. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25516540/

Tom from California just bought 3 tubs of Slim Guard

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Anna from Nevada just bought 6 tubs of Slim Guard

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