Tranquileafz CBD Gummies: Helping You Elevate Your Mind & Body


Tranquileafz CBD Gummies – A Natural Hemp Extract That Has Beneficial Effects To The Body. How they can help you. See ingredients, benefits, side effects & cost.

Tranquileafz CBD Gummies are made with natural hemp extract, gluten free and non-GMO. Our tasty gummies come in two delicious flavors, Peppermint and Lemon. Our Cannabidiol gummies help to ease pain, stress and anxiety without the psychoactive effect of marijuana. They are great for seniors, children and anyone who wants to experience the benefits of medical hemp. We offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of our Cannabidiol products.

A natural hemp extract combined with lemon flavor, these tasty gummies are an easy way to treat pain and stress. Our CBD gummies come in a 6-pack, with regular and extra strength flavors. With no artificial coloring or dyes, they’re the perfect choice for active adults. And because they don’t contain THC, they won’t make you feel ‘high’ or cause any sort of euphoria.

Choose from 3 delicious flavors. A delicious, natural way to relieve yourself from pain and stress. Tranquileafz gummies are made in the USA, gluten-free, vegan and do not contain any THC.

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